[ib-announce] IBrowse 3.0 released + 30% off

IBrowse Announcements announce at lists.ibrowse-dev.net
Sat Nov 25 16:43:47 GMT 2023

IBrowse 3 has arrived. It's finally time to move on from IBrowse 2,
which has been developed for over 20 years! IBrowse 3 makes available
the previously unreleased features that were originally being worked
on alongside IBrowse 2.4 (on a completely separate development
branch), whilst retaining everything from IBrowse 2.5.9 and all the
new developments since its release. The IBrowse 2 and 3 development
branches are now fully merged, which was a complex and time-consuming
task, due to considerable divergence. The process was completed
methodically and carefully, in order to not compromise stability or
lose any functionality. Development can now move forward without being
restricted to the limitations of the IBrowse 2 framework, allowing for
more substantial changes.

See the new http://www.ibrowse-dev.net/whatsnew/ and
http://www.ibrowse-dev.net/historylog/ pages for full details of all
the changes, but a brief summary follows:

- IBrowse 2 and IBrowse 3 Unification
- New Reimagined HTML Parser
- Improved HTML Engine
- Hotlist Multi-aliasing
- Early Data / Zero Round Trip Time Resumption (0-RTT)
- Better GIF Animation Playback
- AmigaOS 3.2 Context Sensitive Mouse Pointers
- NList GUI Consistency
- Improved Preferences Window
- Decompression and Image Decoding Libraries Upgraded
- Space Saving Improve Efficiency

We hope you enjoy the new version and we look forward to adding new
features and improving the HTML engine much further over the coming

IBrowse 3 is a free upgrade for those who registered IBrowse 2.5 at
the full 68K/PPC rate - new users and upgrades (your existing key can
be used with IBrowse 3). Users of the 68K only version of IBrowse 2.5
and older IBrowse versions will need to upgrade to unlock full

To celebrate the release of IBrowse 3, we are also offering
registration at reduced rates for new users (25-30% off) and upgrades
(30-35% off) compared to the previous IBrowse 2.5 pricing.

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